Why rheumatoid arthritis occurs with fever

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease caused by immune system disorder that lead to damage the systems and joints of human body itself. Usually rheumatoid arthritis occurs with fever and redness, swelling, pain and inflammation of joints. Today we talk about why rheumatoid arthritis occurs with fever and how to treat the RA fever.


Generally, the RA fever occurs with redness or rashes and severe pain. The fever is low which means higher than 98.6 ℉of normal body temperature and less than 100.4 ℉ of high fever value boundary.

Why rheumatoid arthritis occurs with fever

Research proves that the RA fever and inflammation are associated with cytokine activity.

There is a kind of RA called fever rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Chronic high fever rheumatoid arthritis.
The main symptom is rheumatism. The clinical features of the type are long-term fever, rash, arthritis, swelling liver, spleen and lymph gland, faster blood sedimentation and leukocytosis. Irregular durative fever of 100.4℉~104℉ will occur after some inducing factors, such as cough, pharyngitis, amygdalitis, pneumonia, trauma and coldness.

2. Chronic low fever rheumatoid arthritis.
This type is rare. The body temperature will maintain between 98.96℉and 100.4℉
Fatigue, weak, migratory pain in joints and muscle are the main symptoms and it would get worse when rainy days, cold or cough. Few weeks or months later, the morning stiffness of joints and body will occur and disappear after some activities.

3.Treatment for RA fever
The aim of treatment for RA fever is to reduce the infection, restrain the inflammation caused by overreacting immune response.

Generally, it’s not recommended for patients with RA fever to have activities until they get normal indicators for inflammation and infection.
The typical interfering treatment for RA fever is to take some drugs.
NAISDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug) are good medications to diminish inflammation and relief pain which will reduce the symptoms of fever. These drugs include aspirin, naproxen.

In the article, we have discussed why rheumatoid arthritis occurs with fever and its treatment, for more information, please contact us freely.

read more: The Latest therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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