How does Lupus Cause Dry Eyes

Clinically, 20% of patients with Lupus suffer from eye complications such as dry eyes, eye inflammation, and eyelid rashes. Patients are very concerned that how Lupus causes dry eyes and how to treat the symptom. Well then, let’s learn about it in the following passage.

How does Lupus cause dry eyes? In the patients with Lupus, the cause of dry eye is inflammation in the lacrimal gland that produces tears. Dry eye can range from mild to severe in these patients. In severe cases, dry eye symptoms are very severe and can create a gritty and sandy sensation in the eyes as well as itching and burning. Patients with dry eyes also find that their tear volume is decreased significantly, which can affect the health of external parts of the eyes, such as cornea and conjectiva.

Is dry eyes in Lupus severe? Can it be well treated? Dry eye symptoms are generally treated with over-the-counter tear substitutes, control of ambient humidity, and barriers to evaporation of tears and the loss of tears (minor lid surgery).

Usually, with the illness condition of Lupus improving, dry eye symptoms can also turn better. Actually, in addition to Lupus, what’s patients with Lupus should be alert is retinal disease. Retinal vasculities is a complication of Lupus in which blood supply to the retina is reduced. In this case, the retina tries to repair itself by producing new blood vessels. However, the new blood vessels are weak and fragile, and cause blood and fluid to leak out of them, thus leading to swelling in the retina. When vasculitis involves the macula, central vision will be decreased or lost.

To prevent the severe eye complications, patients with Lupus are suggested to take fundus & retinal examinations every half a year. In case you experience blurry or reduced vision, don’t hesitate to visit the doctors timely.   

read more about:  Advantages for Treating Lupus with Traditional Chinese Medicine

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