Lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disease, and 70%~85% of the patients are about skin involvement. Some are cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) whose damages are limited only
in skin and the others are systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) which
involves .multiple organs and systems. tumid lupus is one of the
cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
I. Classification
1. acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus(ACLE)
2. subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE);
3. chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE)
①discoid lupus erythematosus, DLE
②verrucous lupus erythematosus, VLE)
③tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE)
④lupus erythematosus profundus (LEP)
⑤chilblain lupus erythematosus (CHLE)
II. Symptom Features of tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE)
The clinical features of TLE is that the lesions are usually polycyclic ridged erythema or wheal spot
block, with smooth surface and no scales and hair follicle keratin plug. tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE) usually appears on face or arms and legs, and it has significant light s
III. Treatment of Tumid Lupus
1. Glucocorticoid for localized and inside lesion application.
It’s a commonly used treatment. The proper glucocorticoid should be used according to lesion place and type. For the tender skin,some weak or medium effect medications should be s
elected while for the thick skin and verrucous lesion , stronger effect medications or glucocorticoid injection for localized and inside lesion should be s
2. Primaquine.
It’s the first line medication for systemic
treatment, especially for tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE) and SCLE with
the efficiency of 80%. They include hydroxychloroquine
, quinacrine, combination of hydroxychloroquine and quina franklin. Eye tests should be performed every 3~6 month for the adverse reaction.
3. Immunosuppressor
It’s usually used for these not responded to conventional drugs. They include azathioprine(1~2 mg/(kg·d), methotrexate(7.5~25 mg/week), Mycophenolate Mofetil(35 mg/(kg·d)), ciclosporin 2.5~5mg/d). frequent blood tests and monitoring should be performed in case of adverse reaction.
The above is the symptoms and treatment of tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE), if you want to understand more treatments for ankylosing spondylitis joints pain, please contact us