Other Therapies for RA rather than Occidental Medicine

The traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most remarkable therapies in the world for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Many patients are looking for other therapies for RA rather than occidental medicine. I think traditional Chinese medicine will be the best choice.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects many organs and system of human body. The treatment of occidental medicine is to use NAISDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug), immunosuppressor and hormone products. But the long-term uses of these occidental medicines will cause some unavoidable serious side effects. Therefore many patients want other therapies for RA rather than occidental medicine.
The traditional Chinese medicine treatment for RA, among other therapies for RA rather than occidental medicine, takes the best effect. It has many exclusive advantages and great potentials.
I. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation and overall regulation.
It’s the most remarkable feature of TCM. The priority of treatment for the patient with RA is to differentiate the nature and cause reflected by symptoms. Is it wind evil, cold evil, warm evil or damp evil? For human body, is it deficiency of qi, blood, yin, yang or liver and kidney? Only understanding these, doctors can make an overall judge and comprehensive treatment plan.
II. Rapidly relieve symptoms and effectively prevent the progression
When some patients in the early stage only have the mild symptoms of RA, such as joint pain, lumbago, which don’t fit to the standard of RA in occidental medicine, TCM can reduce the pain and inflammation greatly. Research shows that although TCM has a bit less strong effect as occidental medicines, it’s good for long-term use due to no side effect.
III. Supplement the disadvantage of occidental medicine and reduce the side effects
Based on TCM theory, the combination treatment of TCM and occidental medicine applies occidental medicines and supplement the shortages. For example, when combination using with NAISDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug), traditional Chinese medicines can not only strengthen the pain-relief effect of the NAISDs, they can also prolong the effect and prevent the progression which the NAISDs can’t do alone.

Through the above article, I believe you have got some ideas about traditional Chinese medicine. If you are also looking for other therapies for RA rather than occidental medicine, my suggestion is that you try some traditional Chinese medicine. It will be good for your recovery.

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