How to Prevent from Relapse of SLE

There are many factors easy to cause the relapse of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which makes this disease always in unstable state. While, how patients prevent from relapse of SLE?
SLE is a auto-immune disease that mainly invade connecti8ve tissues, involving organs of every system. It is a world-recognized refractory disease. Although it can be controlled with hormones, alternation of relapse and remission is the main clinical characteristic.
Now we are showing you the common factors that easy to stimulate the relapse of SLE.
1, solar exposure and ultraviolet irradiation. For patients of lupus diathesis, sunshine or ultraviolet irradiation can change the deoxyribonucleic in cells,generating antigen-antibody reaction to stimulate the lupus relapse. Besides, repeated X-ray irradiation or strong lighting exposure both can lead to the recur of lupus. Sometimes, discoid lupus erythematosus can develop to be SLE after stong irradiation or exposure. Therefore, patients of SLE should avoid direct sunshine exposure. They can bring umbrellas, wear hats, put on long sleeves and trousers if they have to be exposed in sunshine.
2, medicines induction. Sometimes, the onset of lupus is obviously related to medicines, such as Penicillin and sulfa, bute, hydralazine, procaine amide, c at once, phenytoin sodium chloride, isoniazid, oral contraceptives, and so on, which can turn lupus in remission into active stage. So patients need to be careful when they need to take such kind of medicines, and they had better take medicines in the direction of doctors.
3, cold stimulation. Most SLE patients are very easy to have a cold because of their poor immunity. The inflammatory reaction during cold will induce the relapse of SLE. Therefore, patients need to change the clothes timely according to whether change, especially during alternation of four seasons.
4, pregnancy and delivery. SLE appears mostly in women in childbearing age, whose ability to have children is as normal as healthy people. However, patients of SLE must be prudent to be pregnant, because SLE and pregnancy have adverse impact on each other. The most severe impact of pregnancy for patients in the kidney damage. Therefore, for women patients of lupus, whether they can be pregnant, when it is better for them to have a child, what need to be done after pregnancy and how to prevent pregnancy if they can not have a baby, all these problems needs the specially direction of doctors.

Learning these factors may help patients and family to prevent relapse of SLE. And more information about SLE or lupus, you can send an email to Glad to help you.
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