How to Improve the Prognosis and Life Quality of Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a chronic refractory disease. So if patients want to improve the prognosis, they must have some basic understanding of this disease. Well, how to improve the prognosis and life quality of avascular necrosis?
1.Don’t walk or stand long time. As the avascular necrosis mainly invades the hip joints, patients had better not walk or stand for long time, so as to decrease the burden and pressure on hip joints. Besides, the hip joints activity is limited and the bone is fragile because of AVN, so patients’ reaction ability will decline and they are more likely to experience fracture. Therefore, in activity, patients should be more careful to avoid tumble.
2.In early stages, patients can take abducts as treatment, which depends on the illness condition severity and the walking distance. Or patients can adopt riding if the illness condition and physique condition is allowed. In late stages, patients can adopt wheelchair for outdoor activity.
3.Proper upper limb functional practice. Patients of AVN need proper rest in bed. At the same time, proper upper limb functional practice is necessary, as well as knee joints exercise. If the condition allows, they had better do some outdoor exercise and bask for a while everyday. Basking can help to compound vitamin D in skin and muscle, which will promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. This is helpful to maintain the bone substance and improve the repair and regeneration of damaged bone.
4.Regular medication treatment. Actually, for the whole treatment course, medication is the most important part. As it is a long treatment progress, patients need to seek for long-term treatment and effects, which need the persistence and cooperation of the patients
As the subject of the disease and treatment, all the treatment and nurse take effects through the patients themselves. Just as experts said, the treatment effects rely on the medicine and doctor’s skill, but they rely more on patients’ cooperation, treatment desire and confidence. If you need more information about the AVN, you can email to

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